Why Artificial Intelligence in Midstream Oil and Gas?

By Published On: March 4th, 20246.6 min read
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Midstream oil and gas companies are struggling to manage the complexity of their existing systems in the ever-changing energy sector. The intricacies present in conventional methods have resulted in operational impediments, ineffectiveness, and a challenge to maintaining a steady pace with the constantly changing demands of the industry.  

Wondering what the solution might be? It’s AI. 

Artificial Intelligence in midstream oil and gas uses modern technologies like intelligent systems and sophisticated data analytics that can empower your business in the future, heralding a paradigm shift. Unmatched efficiency, resilience, and sustainability can only be unlocked by integrating cutting-edge solutions as the energy sector enters a new era. 

Why Artificial Intelligence in Midstream Oil and Gas Operations? 

Why Artificial Intelligence in Midstream Oil and Gas Operations

  • Predictive analytics: Optimizing pipeline integrity management using cutting-edge machine learning algorithms. 
  • Anomaly Detection: AI-powered systems quickly recognize and resolve possible problems, reducing risks and guaranteeing the continuous flow of hydrocarbons. 
  • Proactive Maintenance: By integrating AI with asset management, proactive maintenance strategies can be developed through dynamic equipment health assessment and prediction. 
  • Operational Efficiency: Transportation scheduling and routing are made more efficient by algorithms, which raises overall operational efficiency. 
  • Real-time Data Processing: Artificial Intelligence enables real-time pipeline network control and monitoring, guaranteeing adherence to safety standards. 
  • Supply Chain Optimization: AI optimizes transportation, ensuring timely and cost-effective delivery. 
  • Remote Monitoring: By combining AI with sensor technologies, a reliable system for remote control and monitoring is established, improving operational accuracy. 
  • Compliance Assurance: AI is essential to maintaining a safe and legal midstream environment by guaranteeing that safety rules are followed. 

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into midstream operations by oil and gas companies has the potential to unlock a range of innovations and efficiencies. However, there are challenges that come with this technological advancement that must be taken into consideration. 

The next chapter of AI adoption 

The next chapter of AI adoption 

The upcoming stage of AI adoption in midstream oil and gas companies signals the beginning of a revolutionary period characterized by cutting-edge technologies and increased operational effectiveness.  

AI-powered monitoring and alert systems provide real-time information about pipeline and equipment health, enabling preventative maintenance and reducing downtime. Another crucial component is scenario analysis, which uses AI algorithms to simulate different operational scenarios and help businesses plan for possible disruptions or shifts in demand. 

Furthermore, AI is essential for guaranteeing regulatory compliance. Sophisticated algorithms carefully examine large datasets to make sure that operations comply with industry norms and regulations. Technical workflows that incorporate machine learning algorithms are streamlined, resource allocation is optimized, and decision accuracy is improved. 

The Integration Process: Steps towards AI Adoption 

Businesses are realizing how important it is to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) in the dynamic mid-market oil and gas industry to improve productivity and competitiveness.  

The integration process is a strategic journey that promises to transform operations and position a company for the future in an innovative industry. 

  • Data exploration and aggregation:  

Oil and gas companies can turn these exciting and exploitable data assets into immediate, actionable wins by first exploring and consolidating them.  

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to automate back-office administrative tasks, including joint-owned upstream asset accounting and production partner payout management.  

This “low-hanging fruit” approach can improve employee understanding of the advantages of AI and help gain buy-in from the workforce. This can be enhanced by company-wide training. 

  • Intelligent automation: 

Tasks that are appropriate for automation can be found by companies conducting audits.  

The tasks that are performed in the back office or to support fieldwork, like drilling and completion operations, can be handled by rule-based robotic process automation (RPA) to cognitive RPA. These tasks are laborious, heavy, prone to error, or take a long time. 

Applying AI techniques to interpret human experience: 

Applying AI techniques to interpret human experience

Data from an oil and gas company’s production wells, petrochemical plant, or refinery is fed into AI. However, human intelligence also plays a role, especially in the form of the wisdom possessed by experienced oil and gas employees. This needs to be recorded using AI tools that facilitate knowledge exchange. 

Artificial Intelligence holds true transformative potential. The industry can advance improvements now while equipping organizations to face the upcoming challenges in field and even to prepare for the unknowable future that lies beyond next few decades of disruptive change by implementing AI with a strong strategy. 

While AI won’t be able to solve every issue facing the sector, when used properly, it can offer oil & gas companies a level of adaptability and agility that they haven’t often had. In this transformative age, this might be the extra edge they need. 

Use Case: SAP Custom Code Analysis using KTern.AI for Midstream Oil and Gas Company 

For the purpose of performing the Custom Objects Analysis, the oil and gas major selected KTern.AI to optimize and enhance the SAP Landscape’s performance. 

Business Challenge 

With the antiquated SAP ECC system, the customer found itself inflexible to meet their changing business needs due to a few operational constraints. They wanted to take advantage of SAP S/4HANA’s innovations by switching to it as a solution.  

But they tried to evaluate the current custom code landscape, dealing with 12 source systems and multiple custom developments. Comprehending the migration process, which included process optimization, impact analysis, retirement of custom code, and quality optimization, was the aim of the project. 

KTern.AI’s Solution 

  • For analysis, KTern was connected to the SAP landscape of the client.  
  • Automated analysis was performed by considering stakeholder identification, object types, usage, standards, and coding practices.  
  • Evaluated coding conventions and practices throughout the project. 
  • Table operations, interfaces, inbound and outbound data objects, authorization checks, table access checks, nested conditions, object existence checks, object usage checks, and active/inactive checks are just a few of the areas where optimization opportunities are found.
  • Offered analysis findings and suggestions that outlined a future course for updating and repairing custom objects.  

To Conclude 

As the oil and gas industry navigates the intricacies of midstream operations, artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as the guiding light that leads the industry to previously unheard-of levels of efficiency, resilience, and innovation. 

It is critical to strategically plan the implementation of AI as the industry prepares for the next phase of its adoption. The best implementation partner for this journey is KaarTech. With our 18+ years of engagement in the oil and gas industry, we have successfully implemented SAP for 40+ customers globally, of whom 10+ are midstream operators. 

KaarTech’s expertise guarantees a customized strategy that optimizes the advantages of implementing AI, from proactive maintenance and operational efficiency to predictive analytics and anomaly detection. 

Adopting AI with KaarTech and KTern.AI is a calculated investment in the future of the oil and gas industry, not just a technical advancement. With KaarTech, the industry is bringing innovation, efficiency, and sustainable growth into the ever-changing midstream operations landscape rather than just implementing AI. 



What are the emerging trends in AI for the future of oil and gas operations?  

AI trends in oil and gas include autonomous systems, predictive analytics, edge computing, and digital twins. These innovations enhance efficiency, safety, and sustainability, defining the future landscape of operations. 

What are the prerequisites for implementing AI in midstream operations? 

Prerequisites for AI in midstream operations include robust data infrastructure, seamless IoT integration, and a comprehensive understanding of existing processes. These elements form the foundation for successful implementation. 

What steps are involved in optimizing energy efficiency with AI? 

Optimizing energy efficiency with AI involves assessing operational parameters, implementing adaptive control systems, and fine-tuning processes. AI adjusts pump speed, pressure, and flow rates in real-time for optimal energy utilization. 

How does AI enhance safety measures in midstream operations? 

AI enhances safety in midstream operations by monitoring pipeline integrity, detecting potential risks in real-time, and automating safety protocols. This proactive approach contributes to a secure and compliant working environment. 



Abisekh V

Abisekh is the analyst of @ KaarTech Branding who deals with the engineering of features and deals with functionalities for solving transformation-related problems.

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