SAP PLM (Product Lifecycle Management): A Guide through 4 Phases

By Published On: December 11th, 20235.8 min read
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Welcome, adventurous explorers! 

Are you ready to delve into the world of innovative technology that transforms how businesses operate? 

Imagine a world where every aspect of a product’s life, from its inception to its retirement, is meticulously orchestrated to ensure sustainability, profitability, and quality. That’s precisely what SAP PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) offers – a digital thread that seamlessly weaves together the intricate phases of product development, unleashing a wave of possibilities. 

Picture yourself as the leader of a thriving enterprise, equipped with tools for fast decision-making, waste reduction, agile innovation, and effortless global connectivity with partners and suppliers. 

Excited yet? 

And if you want to dive even deeper, don’t miss our previous blog on “SAP PLM and Sustainability: A Roadmap to Greener Product Innovation” which lays the foundation for this exploration. 

In this blog, we will explore SAP PLM’s four fundamental phases, which are essential for businesses to succeed. Get ready to be inspired as we uncover the incredible power of SAP PLM, one phase at a time. Let’s take this transformative journey together!

The Four Phases of SAP PLM: 

Four Phases of SAP PLM (Product Lifecycle Management)

  • Manage Phase: Building a Risk-Resilient Supply Chain 

The digital transformation journey begins with responsible design. In this phase, companies have the unique opportunity to reduce waste and make sustainable material choices. Imagine designing products that not only meet consumer needs but also contribute to environmental preservation. With SAP’s Responsible Design and Production solutions, this vision becomes a reality. 

Responsible Design: In the Manage phase, companies can reduce waste and optimize material choices to promote sustainability. SAP’s Responsible Design and Production solutions empower businesses to design products that encourage reuse over consumption, contributing to environmental preservation. 

Product Compliance: Ensuring compliance throughout the product lifecycle is vital. SAP S/4HANA for Product Compliance equips organizations to embed compliance at every stage, from early design to sales and distribution, minimizing risks associated with non-compliance. 

Product Costing: Identifying cost drivers and exploring alternatives for product profitability is essential. SAP’s Product Lifecycle Costing enables businesses to simulate cost drivers swiftly, aiding in informed decision-making and cost optimization. 

Change Management: Effective change management is critical to ensure that only approved master data is released for production. SAP S/4HANA Cloud for R&D for enterprise product formulation and engineering help streamline change management processes. 

  • Define Phase: Innovation and Project Management 

In the “Define” phase, innovation takes center stage. Identifying projects with the potential to generate significant business value is crucial. With SAP’s Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management solutions, organizations can make informed investment decisions and prioritize projects effectively. 

Portfolio and Project Management: Identifying projects with the potential to generate significant business value is crucial. SAP’s Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management solutions enable organizations to make informed investment decisions and prioritize projects effectively. 

Innovation Management: Staying ahead of the competition requires identifying emerging trends and customer needs. SAP’s Enterprise Product Development offers tools to run crowd innovation campaigns, helping companies identify new product development opportunities. 

Requirements Acquisition and Management: Gathering feedback and managing needs is vital. SAP’s Enterprise Product Development provides insights from various sources, including voice-of-the-customer systems, service feedback, sensors, and more, ensuring transparency and traceability. 

  • Develop Phase: Streamlining Product Development 

As we move into the “Develop” phase, streamlining product development becomes the key focus. Collaboration is at the heart of success. SAP’s Enterprise Product Development and Siemens’ Teamcenter foster collaboration among teams and partners, reducing the risk of supply chain disruptions. 

Collaboration: Collaboration capabilities are essential to reduce the risk of supply chain disruptions. SAP’s Enterprise Product Development and Siemens’ Teamcenter foster collaboration among teams and partners. 

Systems Engineering: Adopting a model-based systems engineering culture is essential for verifying and validating product performance.

Product Validation: Defining and executing tests to ensure products meet company standards is a fundamental part of product development.

Design Management: Integrating mechanical and software structures to create digital twins facilitates multidisciplinary product development.

Recipe Development: Digitizing recipes and formulas, running simulations, and reusing information and ingredients in real-time are vital for certain industries. 

  • Deliver Phase: Realizing the Digital Thread 

The final “Deliver” phase is where the magic happens. Intelligent handover of product models and transforming them into different views is crucial for the digital thread.

Intelligent Handover: Handing over product models and transforming them into different product model views is crucial for the digital thread.

Connected Products: Combining IoT data and engineering models to create smart digital products and digital twins provides valuable insights into assets in operation. SAP’s Enterprise Product Development supports this effort. 

2D Visual Navigation: Accessing operational data for key assets, plants, and buildings quickly reduces downtime. SAP’s Enterprise Product Development and Siemens’ Teamcenter help make timely decisions. 

Visual Work Instructions: Transforming 3D product data into interactive service instructions optimizes maintenance schedules and minimizes downtime. SAP’s Enterprise Product Development and Siemens’ Teamcenter enhance this capability. 

Variant Management: Defining variant models to support omnichannel commerce requirements is essential for product customization. SAP’s S/4HANA for advanced variant configuration and Siemens’ Teamcenter support these efforts. 

Visual Spares and Service: Turning 2D and 3D product data into interactive spare parts catalogs boosts order accuracy and aftermarket revenues. SAP’s Enterprise Product Development and Siemens’ Teamcenter play a pivotal role here. 

Digital Twin Monetization: Innovative subscription-based business models can increase recurring product revenues. SAP’s Enterprise Product Development and Siemens’ Teamcenter help businesses explore this opportunity. 

In conclusion  

SAP PLM isn’t just software; it’s a guiding star in the ever-evolving business galaxy. Its four phases provide the roadmap to waste reduction, innovation ignition, and collaboration enhancement.

From responsible design and compliance management in the Manage Phase to innovation-driven project management and requirement acquisition in the Define Phase, SAP PLM streamlines product development in the Develop Phase and activates the digital thread in the Deliver Phase. This journey leads to the zenith of sustainability, profitability, and product quality.  

Should you have questions or need assistance on your journey, remember that KaarTech is your trusted partner in harnessing the full potential of SAP PLM. Contacts our experts by clicking here..



What is SAP PLM ?

SAP PLM stands for Product Lifecycle Management. It’s crucial for businesses because it optimizes product development, reduces waste, fosters innovation, and enhances collaboration, ultimately boosting sustainability and profitability.

What are the key phases of SAP PLM?

The four phases of SAP PLM are Manage, Define, Develop, Deliver.

How does SAP PLM support sustainability?

SAP PLM supports sustainability by enabling responsible design, optimizing materials, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations, reducing waste, and optimizing energy efficiency. It empowers businesses to create eco-friendly products while minimizing their environmental footprint. 

How does SAP PLM promote collaboration within organizations? 

SAP PLM promotes collaboration by centralizing data, automating workflows, supporting real-time collaboration, ensuring version control, integrating with other systems, and providing communication tools such as chat and discussion forums for seamless team interaction. 


Abisekh V

Abisekh is the analyst of @ KaarTech Branding who deals with the engineering of features and deals with functionalities for solving transformation-related problems.

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