What are the benefits of Financial Insights and Risk Control of RISE with SAP for Banking Industry?

By Published On: October 7th, 20224 min read
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Banks will rethink banking from the ground up as part of Banking 4.0 since customers’ level of expectations has become the new disruptor in the conventional economy. This will impact how banks connect with consumers and how they handle conventional bank products, procedures, and finance and risk operations.

Modern technology and talent must be implemented to compete in the digital era. This generation of banks will serve as a platform for digital services including a broad variety of banking and nonbanking activities.

Banks will evolve from being safe havens for people’s assets to financial partners capable of making tailored suggestions based on their clients’ financial histories, experiences, and preferences, as well as clearinghouses for a variety of partner services.

The strategic priorities for the banking sectors include; 
  • Seamless Connectivity
  • Data-Driven Intelligence
  • Operational Effectiveness
  • Financial Insights and Risk Control

In this blog, we will look at the strategic importance and benefits obtained by the banking sector through the implementation of Financial Insights and Risk Control,

Let us start by understanding what seamless connectivity is, and there we get our first question’s answer,

What does “Financial Insights and Risk Control” mean?

To reduce expenses, banks must be able to comply with regulatory standards easily to abide by adaptability. Banks currently engage large workforces to chase down regulatory compliance, which results in very reactive and manual operations.

By allowing O-data and X-data to stream into these systems, positions and financial market circumstances can be simulated in real-time, allowing a bank to foresee alternative business situations and their financial repercussions. These tools and controls will be distributed by banks across national boundaries and time zones, lowering market-specific risk while boosting data transparency and legal compliance.

Finally, banks will use APIs to allow third parties, like fintech’s, to exchange data for enhanced insight and control, enabling banks to reallocate staff to higher-value tasks.

The fortunes aligned by adopting a comprehensive set of technology, procedure, and governance tools is that banks can better understand trends to enable enhanced decision-making, mitigate risks, and increase profitability.

Impact of “Financial Insights and Risk Control” in the Banking Sector:

Let us investigate two different scenarios, one following the traditional finance service network and the other following the next-gen practices of the digital era,

Traditional Practices Next-Gen Practices
Isolated systems exist across the banking organization since the legacy systems provide point solutions that are constrained to the source system The SAP Cloud portfolio allows bank top strengthen banks by streaming multiple data across the varied channels
Data provided from the isolated systems is used for analytics, which in turn loses clarity over fraud detection and risk identification Provides real-time analytics and fraud management using machine learning algorithms for reducing churn and abandonment
Fraud analysis only occurs post the occurrence of the fraudulent events Possibilities of fraudulent activities are predicted and notified at an earlier pace since the systems are well integrated
Isolated offer management systems that do not provide a holistic, 360-degree view of customer activity and potential intent, resulting in lost sales and revenue-generating opportunities. The Lob’s understanding of client profiles, experiences, preferences, and actions are expanded to create tailored product offerings and marketing campaigns based on customer activity both on and off the bank’s website in the cloud.
Outcome-Driven Values of Financial Insights and Risk Control:
  • Enhanced Customer Experience, revenue and decreased risk and fraud
  • More control over offer management, customer behavior, and intent and experience of the consumer
  • Real-time data management enables better fraud management and mitigation as well as more pertinent sales efforts.

Benefits of having Financial Insights and Risk Control in the Banking Industry:

  •  Updating the systems and procedures in real-time.
  • Adapt quickly, sustainably, and economically to changes in accounting standards and regulatory obligations.
  • A single set of standardized, reliable, and granular financial data that underpins a single financial system (universal journal).
  • Continuous accounting, real-time consolidations, and a quicker, more precise financial closure are all made possible by real-time finance procedures.
  • Support for regulatory standards that are specific to the banking industry, such as average daily balances, U.S. GAAP and Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL), IFRS 9, and other crucial criteria.
To Conclude:

Customers want their banks to give an experience comparable to that provided by their retail and social media interactions in the experience economy. Banks are reacting with new goods and services that appear, behave, and feel seamless.

These new goods and services influence all aspects of the company, not just the front office. Banks must address E2E procedures across departments and lines of business (Lobs) to provide better customer experiences, goods, and services.

Banks must recruit, develop, and retain consumers by providing an integrated, multichannel environment. To flourish in the digital era, they must adapt to evaluate each customer’s behavior and point of view.

Abisekh V

Abisekh is the analyst of @ KaarTech Branding who deals with the engineering of features and deals with functionalities for solving transformation-related problems.

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