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Democratizing SAP Digital Transformation as a Service (DXaaS)

  • Duration: 45 Minutes

  • Online
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SAP DigitalTransformation (SAP DX) programs need alignment, collaboration, and diligent governance  amongst different teams in order to achieve the intended goals. In addition, each program must be empowered with intelligent automation to reduce effort and to save time & costs – resources which can be invested for future growth.

Digital Transformation as a Service (#DXaaS) is an emerging model that embraces the concepts discussed above to help enterprises achieve their transformation goals.

KTern.AI is a #DXaaS automation Platform which helps SAP Customers and Partners adopt this model to orchestrate SAP DX programs which are void of schedule and cost overruns.

Watch the recording of this webinar where Ratna, Founder of KTern and SAP Veteran with 25+ years of Digital Transformation expertise decodes SAP Digital Transformation and the Cognitive Platform that is democratizing SAP #DXaaS.

At the end of this webinar, you will know how to:-

  • What is Digital Transformation as a Service (#DXaaS) 

  • KTern.AI - The SAP #DXaaS Automation Platform 

  • How to Assess and Plan your SAP DX with Digital Maps 

  • Framework to Execute and Govern your SAP DX with Digital Projects 

  • Modeling and Orchestrating your SAP DX with Digital Process 

  • How to Prepare and Test your SAP DX with Digital Labs 

  • Simulating and Optimizing your SAP DX with Digital Mines 


Ratnakumar N

Founder & Director – KTern.AI