“It’s about attracting
the top talent, fostering
a creative environment,
assisting with innovation
and focusing on
The work environment is an important pre-requisite to a motivated workforce. A happy, positive work environment is more conducive to employee growth and is a sign that the organization truly cares about its employees.
At Kaar Tech, we believe in creating the perfect work environment. One that fosters friendships, laughter, and memories. Not just through the good times, we believe in being present for our employees through their turbulent times as well. Our employees matter and we steadfastly strive to build a Great Place to Work; a place everyone, regardless of their identity, can call ‘Home’.
Kaar Tech – Every
Kaarian’s 2nd Home
Our employees feel that Kaar Tech is a safe place to work.
We have numerous Policies and systems in place like the KICC Policy,
Odd Hour Commute Policy, Leave Policy 2.0, MTM E-Connect, Skip
Level Meetings etc, to ensure that our people are always safe and
secure within the organization.
While safety is a priority, we also ensure that our employees have the
space to be their most authentic selves within the organization. In doing so, we
ensure an effective work-life balance and promote a fun workplace with lots of
recreational games and activities. We also have a special Rewards &
Recognition System in place where every employee is recognized for their efforts
and contributions across all levels of the organization.
Do you want to know more about every
Kaarian’s day-to-day Experience?
Lively Work
“When you have fun, it changes
all the pressure into pleasure.”
Our employees spend much
of their time in these open bays
contributing to a very fun and interactive environment. To make the space
their own, our employees embellish
their work desks with meaningful
possessions that are of tremendous
importance to them.
Kaar Recognition
“Rendering the Pat of
Appreciation you Deserve!”
At Kaar Tech, we have a
“Rewards and Recognition” series
to encourage our employees by
highlighting the work they do and
acknowledging the efforts they put
in their day-to-day activities.
Team Outings
“Talent wins games, but
teamwork & intelligence win
championships.” – Michael Jordan
Team outings foster strong employee bonds
and cultivate teamwork, togetherness, and
work-life balance. Our outings include day trips
to resorts, providing opportunities to spend
quality time together. These experiences
encourage employees to take pride in being
a Kaarian and feel comfortable.
Join us & Experience
our People Commitment
for Yourself!
"Let your enthusiasm be contagious!"
While it is important to have fun, it is equally imperative that we remain up to date with what’s happening within the organization. This is why Thursdays at Kaar Tech are dedicated to Webinars where experts in their fields are invited to address the employees over the course of an hour.
Sometimes, our own employees too, are provided platforms to showcase their talents and demonstrate that there is a life outside of the 9-5. These Webinars provide a much needed change of scene covering a wide variety of subjects with some of our Webinars also centred around music, mind-reading and magic!